1. Basic Project Setup


This is the first tutorial in a series of tutorials around the GCP Microservices Demo and the use of kluctl to deploy and manage the demo.

We will start with a simple kluctl project setup (this tutorial) and then advance to a multi-environment and multi-cluster setup (upcoming tutorial). Afterwards, we will also show how daily business (updates, house keeping, …) with such a deployment would look like.

GCP Microservices Demo

From the README.md of GCP Microservices Demo:

Online Boutique is a cloud-native microservices demo application. Online Boutique consists of a 10-tier microservices application. The application is a web-based e-commerce app where users can browse items, add them to the cart, and purchase them.

This demo application seems to be a good example for a more or less typical application seen on Kubernetes. It has multiple self-developed microservices while also requiring third-party applications/services (e.g. redis) to be deployed and configured properly.

Ways to deploy the demo

The simplest and most naive way to deploy the demo is by using kubectl apply with the provided release manifests:

$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo/main/release/kubernetes-manifests.yaml

This is also what is shown in the README.md of the microservices demo.

The shortcomings of this approach are however easy to spot, and probably no one would ever follow this approach up to production. As an example, updates to the application and its dependencies will be hard to maintain. Housekeeping (deleting orphan resources) will also be hard to achieve. At some point in time, when you start deploying the application multiple times to different clusters and/or different environments, configuration will also become hard to maintain, as every target might need different configuration. Long story short…without proper tooling, you’ll easily run into painful limitations.

There are multiple solutions available that each solve parts of the limitations and problems. As an example, Helm and Kustomize are well known. Introducing these tools will easily bring you much further, but you will very likely end up with something complicated/complex around these tools to make it usable in daily business. In the worst case, you’d start using Bash scripts that orchestrate your deployments.

GitOps oriented solutions like ArgoCD and Flux are able to relieve you from parts of the deployment orchestration tasks, but bring in new complexities that need to be solved as well.

Deploying with kluctl

In this tutorial, we’ll show how the microservices demo can be deployed and managed with kluctl. We will start with a simple and naive deployment to a local kind cluster. The next tutorial in this series will then focus on making the deployment multi-environment and multi-cluster capable.

The goal is to make a deployment as simple as typing:

$ kluctl deploy -t local

Setting up the kluctl project

The first thing you need is an empty project directory and the .kluctl.yml project configuration:

$ mkdir -p microservices-demo/1-basic-setup
$ cd microservices-demo/1-basic-setup

Inside this new directory, create the file .kluctl.yml with the following content:

  - name: local
    context: kind-kind

This is a very simple example with only a single target, being a local kind cluster.

You might have noticed that the target configuration refers a kubectl context that is not existing yet. It’s time to create a local kind cluster now. To do so, first ensure that you have kind installed and then run:

$ kind create cluster

After this, you should have a local cluster setup and your kubeconfig prepared with a new context named kind-kind.

Setting up a minimal deployment project

Inside the kluctl project, you will now have to create a minimal deployment project. The deployment project starts with the root deployment.yml.

The location of this deployment.yml is the same as the .kluctl.yml. Create the file with following content:

  - path: redis

  examples.kluctl.io/deployment-project: "microservices-demo"

This minimal deployment project contains two elements:

  1. The list of deployment items, which currently only consists of the upcoming redis deployment. The next chapter will explain this deployment.
  2. The commonLabels, which is a map of common labels and values. These labels are applied to all deployed resources and are later used by kluctl to identify resources that belong to this kluctl deployment.

Setting up the redis deployment

As seen in the previous chapter, the root deployment.yml refers to a redis deployment item. This deployment item must be located inside the sub-folder redis (hence the path: redis). kluctl expects each deployment item to be a kustomize deployment. Such a kustomize deployment can be as simple as a kustomization.yml with a single resources entry or a fully fledged kustomize deployment with overlays, generators, and so on.

For our example, first create the sub-directory redis:

$ mkdir redis

Then create the file redis/kustomization.yml with the following content:

  - deployment.yml
  - service.yml

Then create the file redis/deployment.yml with the following content:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: redis-cart
      app: redis-cart
        app: redis-cart
      - name: redis
        image: redis:alpine
        - containerPort: 6379
          periodSeconds: 5
            port: 6379
          periodSeconds: 5
            port: 6379
        - mountPath: /data
          name: redis-data
            memory: 256Mi
            cpu: 125m
            cpu: 70m
            memory: 200Mi
      - name: redis-data
        emptyDir: {}

And the file redis/service.yml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: redis-cart
  type: ClusterIP
    app: redis-cart
  - name: redis
    port: 6379
    targetPort: 6379

The above files (deployment.yml and service.yml) are based on the content of redis.yaml from the original GCP Microservices Demo.

As you can see, there is nothing special about the contents of these files so far. It’s simple and plain Kubernetes and YAML resources. The full potential of kluctl will become clear later, when we start to use templating inside these files. Only with the templating, it will become possible to support multi-environment and multi-cluster deployments.

Setting up the first microservice

Now it’s time to setup the first microservice. It is done the same way as we’re already setup the redis deployment.

First, create the sub-directory cartservice at the same level as you created the redis sub-directory. Then create the following files.

Another kustomization.yml

  - deployment.yml
  - service.yml

Another deployment.yml, with the content found here

Another service.yml, with the content found here

Finally add the new deployment item to the root deployment.yml

  # add this line
  - path: cartservice

Setting up all other microservices

The GCP Microservices Demo is composed of multiple other services, which can be setup the same way as the microservice shown before. You can do this by yourself, or alternatively switch to the completed example found here.

From now on, we will assume that all microservices have been added (or that you switched to the example project).

Deploy it!

We now have a minimal kluctl project with two simple kustomize deployments. It’s time to deploy it. From inside the kluct project directory, call:

$ kluctl deploy -t local
INFO[0000] Rendering templates and Helm charts          
INFO[0000] Building kustomize objects                   
Do you really want to deploy to the context/cluster kind-kind? (y/N) y
INFO[0001] Getting remote objects by commonLabels       
INFO[0001] Getting 24 additional remote objects         
INFO[0001] Running server-side apply for all objects    
INFO[0001] shippingservice: Applying 2 objects          
INFO[0001] paymentservice: Applying 2 objects           
INFO[0001] currencyservice: Applying 2 objects          
INFO[0001] frontend: Applying 3 objects                 
INFO[0001] loadgenerator: Applying 1 objects            
INFO[0001] recommendationservice: Applying 2 objects    
INFO[0001] productcatalogservice: Applying 2 objects    
INFO[0001] adservice: Applying 2 objects                
INFO[0001] cartservice: Applying 2 objects              
INFO[0001] emailservice: Applying 2 objects             
INFO[0001] checkoutservice: Applying 2 objects          
INFO[0001] redis: Applying 2 objects                    

New objects:

The -t local selects the local target which was previously defined in the .kluctl.yml. Right now we only have this one target, but we will add more targets in upcoming tutorials from this series.

Answer with y to the question if you really want to deploy. The command will output what is happening and then show what has been changed on the target.

Playing around

You have now deployed redis and the cartservice microservice. You can now start to play around with some other kluctl commands. For example, try to change something inside cartservice.yml (e.g. set terminationGracePeriodSeconds to 10) and then run kluctl diff -t local:

$ kluctl diff -t local
INFO[0000] Rendering templates and Helm charts          

Changed objects:

Diff for object default/Deployment/cartservice
| Path                                             | Diff                      |
| spec.template.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | -5                        |
|                                                  | +10                       |

As you can see, kluctl now shows you what will happen. If you’d now perform a kluctl deploy -t local, kluctl would output what has happened (which would be the same as in the diff as long as you don’t change anything else).

If you try to remove (or at least comment out) a microservice, e.g. the cartservice and then run kluctl diff -t local again, you will get:

$ kluctl diff -t local
INFO[0000] Rendering templates and Helm charts          

Changed objects:

Diff for object default/Deployment/cartservice
| Path                                             | Diff                      |
| spec.template.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | -5                        |
|                                                  | +10                       |

Orphan objects:

As you can see, the resources belonging cartservice are listed as “Orphan objects” now, meaning that these are not found locally anymore. A kluctl prune -t local would then give:

$ kluctl prune -t local
INFO[0000] Rendering templates and Helm charts          
Do you really want to delete 2 objects? (y/N) y

Deleted objects:

How to continue

The result of this tutorial is a naive version of the microservices demo deployment. There are a few things that you would solve differently in the real world, e.g. use Helm Charts for things like redis instead of proving self-crafted manifests. The next tutorials in this series will focus on a few improvements and refactorings that will make this kluctl project more “realistic” and more useful. They will also introduce concepts like multi-environment and multi-cluster deployments.