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Kluctl Recipes

Kluctl Recipes

This is a collection of recipes, targeted at developers, devops engineers, SREs and everyone else who wants to use Kluctl to deploy their workloads to Kubernetes.

These recipes try to describe how to implement common use cases tasks.

1 - Deploying multiple times

This recipe will guide you on how to deploy the same deployment multiple times to the same (via namespaces) or different clusters.

Use specific targets

The easiest way to achieve this is to define targets in your .kluctl.yaml. Each target should then use args to define a small set configuration values for the specific target.

Each target should relate to the target environment and/or cluster that it needs to be deployed to. For example, one could be named prod while another is named test, meaning that you can either deploy to the prod or to the test environment. It’s also useful to set the context field on each target, so that you can’t accidentally deploy the prod target to the test cluster.

args should be minimalistic to avoid bloating up the .kluctl.yaml. It should be used as the “entrypoint” into the actual configuration, which is then loaded from inside the root deployment.yaml via vars. See advanced configuration for details on this.

Example targets definition:

  - name: prod
      environment_name: prod
  - name: test
      environment_name: test

# Warning, this discriminator is only ok if targets are only deployed once per cluster. See next chapter for details.
discriminator: "my-project-{{ }}"

  - name: environment_name

Example CLI invocations:

$ kluctl deploy -t prod
$ kluctl deploy -t test

Use more dynamic targets

As an alternative to very specific targets, you could also define targets that are more dynamic so that each target can be deployed multiple times, but to different Kubernetes contexts or even namespaces. You can also mix such targets, for example have one prod target that is just like described in the previous chapter, and one non-prod target that can be used to deploy to multiple non-production clusters.

The dynamic targets then need a way so that they can be differentiated. The easiest way is to use different contexts, which means you deploy it to different clusters. Another way is to introduce args that serve to differentiate, e.g. an arg names environment_name which can then be used to deploy the same workloads to different namespaces, add prefixes to global resources, create unique ingresses, and so on.

If such an argument is introduced, you would then invoke the CLI with the argument being set.

Another thing to take into account is the required uniqueness of discriminators to make delete and prune work properly. If you miss this crucial part or make a mistake, you might end up deleting resources that were not meant to be deleted. The uniqueness must be ensured inside the boundaries of individual clusters.

Example targets definition:

  - name: prod
      environment_type: prod
      environment_name: prod
  - name: non-prod
      environment_type: non-prod
      # environment_name must be passed via CLI

# This will ensure that the discriminator is unique, even if the same target is deployed multiple times
discriminator: my-project-{{ }}-{{ args.environment_type }}-{{ args.environment_name }}

# This is a bad example of a discriminator. It will lead to the discriminator being equal for every environment deployed to the same cluster.
# discriminator: "my-project-{{ }}"

  - name: environment_type
  - name: environment_name

Example CLI invocations:

$ kluctl deploy -t prod # deploys to prod context
$ kluctl deploy -t non-prod -a environment_name=test-env1 # deploys to currently active context 
$ kluctl deploy -t non-prod -a environment_name=test-env2 # deploys to currently active context
$ kluctl deploy -t non-prod -a environment_name=test-env3 --context

Too long discriminators

Right now, Kluctl is internally using a single label to store discriminators in Kubernetes. This has some serious limitations in regard to the length of the discriminators, which is 63 characters. This means, that the discriminator template shown in the above example can easily lead to errors. This issue will be fixed when is implemented.

Until then, you might need to use some form of shortening, e.g. by using a shortened hash of some string. Example for this:

discriminator: my-project-{{ }}-{{ args.environment_type }}-{{ (args.environment_name | sha256)[:8] }}

Using namespaces and more

So far, we have only shown how to define and use the targets feature to implement multiple target environments. This works out-of-the-box when you target different clusters per target, but will need some additional work when deploying to the same cluster. In that case, you are required to use different namespaces for each environment.

This can be easily achieved by using the mentioned environment_name inside resources. Combined with templating, it can be used to create dynamic namespaces, prefix resource names and create unique ingresses.

Example project:

├── .kluctl.yaml
├── deployment.yaml
├── namespaces/
│   └── namespace.yaml
└── apps
    ├── deployment.yaml
    ├── app1/
    │   ├── resource1.yaml
    │   └── resource2.yaml
    └── app2/
        ├── resource1.yaml
        └── resource2.yaml

See above.

  - path: namespaces
  - barrier: true # ensure namespaces are applied before we continue
  - include: apps
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: {{ args.environment_name }}
  - path: app1
  - path: app2

# This instructs Kluctl to set the specified namespace on all resources, including resources from `app1` and `app2`,
# that do not have a namespace set explicitly.
overrideNamespace: {{ args.environment_name }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-cm
  # no namespace needed here, as it is set via the `overrideNamespace` from `apps/deployment.yaml`
  # just an example to show that you can also use the `args` here.
  environment_name: {{ args.environment_name }}

2 - Advanced configuration

This recipe will try to give best practices on how to achieve advanced configuration that keeps being maintainable.

Args as entrypoint

Kluctl offers multiple ways to introduce configuration args into your deployment. These are all accessible via templating by referencing the global args variable, e.g. {{ args.my_arg }}.

Args can be passed via command line arguments, target definitions and GitOps KluctlDeployment spec.

It might however be tempting to provide all necessary configuration via args, which can easily end up clogging things up in a very unmaintainable way.

Combining args with vars sources

The better and much more maintainable approach is to combine args with variable sources. You could for example introduce an arg that is later used to load further configuration from YAML files or even external vars sources (e.g. git).

Consider the following example:

# .kluctl.yaml
  - name: prod
      environment_type: prod
      environment_name: prod
  - name: test
      environment_type: non-prod
      environment_name: test
  - name: dev
      environment_type: non-prod
      environment_name: dev
# root deployment.yaml
  - file: config/{{ args.environment_type }}.yaml

  - include: my-include
  - path: my-deployment

The above deployment.yaml will load different configuration, depending on the passed environment_type argument.

This means, you’ll also need the following configuration files:

# config/prod.yaml
  replicas: 3
# config/non-prod.yaml
  replicas: 1

This way, you don’t have to bloat up the .kluctl.yaml with some ever-growing amount of configuration but instead can move such configuration into dedicated configuration files.

The resulting configuration can then be used via templating, e.g. {{ myApp.replicas }}

Layering configuration on top of each other

Kluctl merges already loaded configuration with freshly loaded configuration. It does this for every item in vars. At the same time, Kluctl allows to use templating with the previously loaded configuration context in each loaded vars source. This means, that configuration that was loaded by a vars item before the current one can already be used in the current one.

All deployment items will then be provided with the final merged configuration. If deployment items also define vars, these are merged as well, but only for the context of the specific deployment item.

Consider the following example:

# root deployment.yaml
  - file: config/common.yaml
  - file: config/{{ args.environment_type }}.yaml
  - file: config/monitoring.yaml
# config/common.yaml
    enabled: false
# config/prod.yaml
  replicas: 3
    enabled: true
# config/non-prod.yaml
  replicas: 1

The merged configuration for prod environments will have myApp.monitoring.enabled set to true, while all other environments will have it set to false.

Putting configuration into the target cluster

Kluctl supports many different variable sources, which means you are not forced to store all configuration in files which are part of the project.

You can also store configuration inside the target cluster and access this configuration via the clusterConfigMap or clusterSecret variable sources. This configuration could for example be part of the cluster provisioning stage and contain information about networking info, cloud info, DNS info, and so on, so that this can then be re-used wherever needed (e.g. in ingresses).

Consider the following example ConfigMap, which was already deployed to your target cluster:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-info
  namespace: kube-system
  vars: |
        accountId: 12345
        irsaPrefix: test-example-com    

Your deployment:

# root deployment.yaml
  - clusterConfigMap:
      name: cluster-info
      namespace: kube-system
      key: vars
  - file: ... # some other configuration, as usual

  # as usual
  - ...
# some/example/ingress.yaml
# look at the DNS name
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
  namespace: my-namespace
    - host: my-ingress.{{ clusterInfo.baseDns }}
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: my-service
                  number: 80
    - hosts:
        - 'my-ingress.{{ clusterInfo.baseDns }}'
      secretName: 'ssl-cert'
# some/example/irso-service-account.yaml
# Assuming you're using IRSA (
# for external-dns
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: external-dns
  annotations: arn:aws:iam::{{ }}:role/{{ }}-external-dns

3 - Deploying via GitOps

This recipe will try to give best practices on how to leverage the kluctl controller to implement Kluctl GitOps. Before exploring Kluctl GitOps, it is suggested to first learn how Kluctl works without GitOps being involved.

You should also try to understand how to deploy to multiple targets/environments first to get a basic understanding of how the same deployment project can be deployed multiple times.

The source shown in this recipe can also be found on GitHub in the kluctl-examples repository

GitOps is optional

Kluctl follows a command-line-first approach, which means that all features implemented into Kluctl will always be added in a way so that you can keep using the CLI. This means, that Kluctl does not depend on the controller to implement all its features.

Letting the controller take over is optional and can even be done in a way so that you can mix CLI based (push-based GitOps) approaches and controller based approaches (pull-based GitOps).

GitOps is just an interface

Kluctl considers GitOps as just another interface for your deployments. This means that everything that can be performed and configured via the CLI can also be configured through the Kluctl CRDs (KluctlDeployment).

Consider a deployment project that you usually deploy via these commands:

$ git clone
$ cd simple
$ kluctl deploy -t simple -a environment=test

The above lines perform a deployment in the “push” style, meaning that you (or your CI) pushes the deployment to the target cluster. That same deployment project can also be deployed in “pull” style, which involves the kluctl-controller running on the target cluster that “pulls” the deployment into the cluster.

If you have the controller already installed, you can apply the following KluctlDeployment to your target cluster:

# file example-deployment.yaml
kind: KluctlDeployment
  name: example-deployment
  namespace: kluctl-system
  interval: 5m
      path: simple
  target: simple
    environment: test
  context: default

The above manifest can be applied via plain kubectl apply -f example-deployment.yaml or via a Kluctl deployment project. Later sections will go into more detail about some possible options.

After the KluctlDeployment got applied, the controller will periodically (5m interval) clone the repository and check if the result of the rendering process differs since the last deployment. If it differs, the controller will deploy the deployment project with the given options (which are equal to options of the CLI example from above).

The reconciliation loop

After a KluctlDeployment is applied to the cluster, the kluctl-controller will immediately pick up that deployment and start to periodically reconcile the deployment. Reconciliation basically performs the following steps:

  1. Clone the referenced source (don’t worry, this fast due to internal caching)
  2. Render the deployment with all the provided options (target, args, …)
  3. Check if the rendered result has changed since the last performed deployment
  4. If it has not changed, sleep for the duration specified via interval and then repeat the reconciliation loop
  5. If it has changed, perform a deployment and record the deployment result in the cluster (this can then be used via the Kluctl Webui)
  6. Sleep for the duration specified via interval and then repeat the reconciliation loop

If you already know GitOps from other solutions (e.g. Flux), you might notice that Kluctl does not deploy on every reconciliation iteration but instead only when the source changes. This deviation from other GitOps solutions is intended as it enabled more flexible intervention and processes (e.g, mixing GitOps with push-based processes).

To mitigate drift between the source and the cluster state, drift detection is performed on every reconciliation iteration. If necessary, the drift can be viewed and fixed via the Kluctl Webui or via the GitOps commands.

You can also override this behavior to match the behavior of other GitOps solutions by using deployInterval, which will cause the reconciliation loop to periodically perform a deployment even if the source does not change.

Starting with Kluctl GitOps

To start using Kluctl GitOps, install it into your cluster first.

Optionally, if you want to use the Kluctl Webui to monitor and control your GitOps deployments, either run it locally or install it into the cluster.

Managing GitOps deployments

KluctlDeployment resources need to be applied and managed the same way as any other Kubernetes resource. You might easily end up managing dozens or even hundreds of KluctlDeployments per cluster. The recommended way to do this is to introduce a dedicated GitOps deployment project which is only responsible for the management of other deployments.

Other options exist as well, it’s for example also possible to include the KluctlDeployment resource into the deployment itself, so when you perform the initial deployment, you will automatically let GitOps take over. The following sections will go into more detail.

Dedicated GitOps deployment project

In this setup, you’ll have one dedicated directory (a simple deployment item) for each cluster. These deployment items will contain one or more KluctlDeployment resources.

The deployment works by using a simple templated entry in deployments which uses the argument cluster_name so that a different directory is loaded for each cluster.

An clusters/all deployment item is loaded as well for each cluster. The clusters/all deployment item is meant to add common deployments that are needed on all clusters. One of these deployments is the GitOps deployment itself, so that it is also managed via GitOps.

The namespaces deployment item is used to create the kluctl-gitops namespace which we then use to deploy the KluctlDeployment resources into. It’s generally best practice to use a dedicated namespace for GitOps.

Project structure

Consider the following project structure:

├── namespaces
│   └── kluctl-gitops.yaml
├── clusters/
│   ├──
│   │   ├── app1.yaml
│   │   └── app2.yaml
│   ├──
│   │   ├── app1.yaml
│   │   └── app2.yaml
│   ├── all/
│   │   └── gitops.yaml
│   └── deployment.yaml
├── .kluctl.yaml
└── deployment.yaml

And the following YAML files and manifests:

# .kluctl.yaml
  # This allows us to deploy the GitOps deployment to different clusters. It is used to include dedicated deployment
  # items for the selected cluster.
  - name: cluster_name

  - name: gitops

# Without a discriminator, pruning won't work. Make sure the rendered result is unique on the target cluster
discriminator: gitops-{{ args.cluster_name | slugify }}
# deployment.yaml
  - path: namespaces
  - barrier: true
  - include: clusters
# clusters/deployment.yaml
  # Include things that are required on all clusters (e.g., the KluctlDeployment for the GitOps deployment itself)
  - path: all
  # We use simple templating to change a dedicated deployment item per cluster
  - path: {{ args.cluster_name }}
# namespaces/kluctl-gitops.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: kluctl-gitops
# clusters/
# and clusters/
# but with adjusted specs (e.g., environment names differ)
kind: KluctlDeployment
  name: app1
  namespace: kluctl-gitops
  interval: 5m
      path: simple
  target: simple
    environment: test
  context: default
  # Let it automatically clean up orphan resources and delete all resources when the KluctlDeployment itself gets
  # deleted. You might consider setting these to false for prod and instead do manual pruning and deletion when the
  # need arises.
  prune: true
  delete: true
# clusters/
# and clusters/
# but with adjusted specs (e.g., environment names differ)
kind: KluctlDeployment
  name: app2
  namespace: kluctl-gitops
  interval: 5m
      path: simple-helm
  target: simple-helm
    environment: test
  context: default
  # Let it automatically clean up orphan resources and delete all resources when the KluctlDeployment itself gets
  # deleted. You might consider setting these to false for prod and instead do manual pruning and deletion when the
  # need arises.
  prune: true
  delete: true
# clusters/all/gitops.yaml
kind: KluctlDeployment
  name: gitops
  namespace: kluctl-gitops
  interval: 5m
      path: gitops-deployment # You could also use a dedicated repository without a sub-directory
  target: gitops
    # this passes the cluster_name initially passed via `kluctl deploy -a` into the KluctlDeployment
    cluster_name: {{ args.cluster_name }}
  context: default
  # let it automatically clean up orphan KluctlDeployment resources
  prune: true
  delete: true

Git/Helm/OCI authentication

Please note that the above example deployments do not require authentication. It’s very likely that you’d need authentication for Git repositories, Helm repositories or OCI registries in your own setup, simply because not everything is public and/or Open Source.

To add authentication for the KluctlDeployments, fill the credentials field in the spec of the KluctlDeployments. These credentials refer to Secrets which also need to be deployed to the cluster.

You can either provide these secrets manually (should be avoided), via SOPS encrypted Secrets (which can then be part of the GitOps deployment project itself) or via External Secrets.

Managing the GitOps deployment project

Please ensure that you have committed and pushed all required files before you bootstrap the GitOps deployment. Otherwise, you’ll end up deploying different states from your local version while the controller will apply the Git version.

To bootstrap the GitOps deployment project, simply perform a kluctl deploy:

$ cd gitops-deployment
$ kluctl deploy -a

This will deploy the GitOps deployment to the current context cluster. After this deployment, the kluctl-controller will immediately start reconciling all deployed KluctlDeployment resources, including the one for the GitOps deployment itself.

This means, to change any of the deployments, perform the changes in Git via your already established processes (e.g., pull-requests or direct pushes to the main branch).

GitOps commands

Each individual KluctlDeployment can be controlled and inspected via the Kluctl CLI (check the kluctl gitops xxx sub-commands). Each command takes the KluctlDeployment name and its namespace as arguments.

In addition, if --name and --namespace are omitted, the CLI will try to auto-detect the KluctlDeployment if your current directory is inside a Kluctl deployment project. It does so by using the URL of the Git origin remote and the subdirectory inside the Git repository to find one or more KluctlDeployment that refers to this project.

Suspend and resume

The CLI can suspend and resume individual KluctlDeployments. This is useful if you need to perform work that would otherwise be hard to perform with constant reconciliation being active. This includes refactorings, migrations and other more complex tasks. While suspended, manual reconciliation via the CLI and the Webui is still possible.

To suspend the app1 deployment, run the following CLI command:

$ kluctl gitops suspend --namespace kluctl-gitops --name app1

While suspended, you can perform whatever actions you need without the kluctl-controller intervening. Then, to resume the deployment, run:

$ kluctl gitops resume --namespace kluctl-gitops --name app1

Manual reconciliation

You can trigger different manual requests via the CLI. Please note that these requests are executed by the controller even though the usage of the CLI feels like things are executed locally.

Every manual request command is able to override many of the spec fields found in the KluctlDeployment. The CLI tries its best to mimic the interface already found in the non-GitOps based commands (e.g. kluctl deploy).

As an example, with kluctl gitops deploy --namespace=xxx --name=yyy you can pass deployment arguments via -a my_arg=my_value the same way as you can already do with kluctl deploy.

The CLI will also try to detect if the Git repository in which you’re currently in is related to the Git repository used in the referenced KluctlDeployment. In that case, the CLI will upload the local source code to the controller for a one-time override. This means, that the kluctl-controller will actually work with your local version of the project. This is mostly useful when you want to verify that changes are valid before actually pushing/merging your changes.

The following invocation will request a single reconciliation iteration. This means, it will do the same as described in The reconciliation loop.

$ kluctl gitops reconcile --namespace kluctl-gitops --name app1

The following invocation will perform a diff and print the result. This is especially useful if your local version of the source code contains modifications which you’d like to verify.

$ kluctl gitops diff --namespace kluctl-gitops --name app1

The following invocation will cause a manual prune (delete orphan objects).

$ kluctl gitops prune --namespace kluctl-gitops --name app1

Viewing controller logs

The following CLI command can be used to view controller logs related to a given KluctlDeployment:

$ kluctl gitops logs --namespace kluctl-gitops --name app1 -f

Using the Webui

In addition to the Kluctl GitOps commands, the Kluctl Webui can be used to monitor and control the KluctlDeployments.

The Webui is still very experimental, meaning that many features are still missing. But generally, performing manual requests, viewing state, diffs and logs should already work good enough as of now.


Kluctl allows you to mix pull-based GitOps with push-based CLI workflows. You can use GitOps for some targets/environments (e.g. prod) and revert to using push-based CLI workflows in other targets/environments (e.g. dev environments). This is useful if you want the security and stability of GitOps on prod while still having the flexibility and speed of development on non-prod environments.

You can also use GitOps for a target/environment to perform the actuall deployments while using kluctl diff in the push fashion to test/verify changes before actually pushing/merging the main branch.