Variable Sources

Available variable sources.

There are multiple places in deployment projects (deployment.yaml) where additional variables can be loaded into future Jinja2 contexts.

The first place where vars can be specified is the deployment root, as documented here. These vars are visible for all deployments inside the deployment project, including sub-deployments from includes.

The second place to specify variables is in the deployment items, as documented here.

The variables loaded for each entry in vars are not available inside the deployment.yaml file itself. However, each entry in vars can use all variables defined before that specific entry is processed. Consider the following example.

- file: vars1.yaml
- file: vars2.yaml
- file: optional-vars.yaml
  ignoreMissing: true
- file: default-vars.yaml
  noOverride: true
- file: vars3.yaml
  when: some.var == "value"
- file: vars3.yaml
  sensitive: true
- file: vars4.yaml

vars2.yaml can now use variables that are defined in vars1.yaml. A special case is the use of previously defined variables inside values vars sources. Please see the documentation of values for details.

At all times, variables defined by parents of the current sub-deployment project can be used in the current vars source.

The following properties can be set on all variable sources:


Each variable source can have the optional field ignoreMissing set to true, causing Kluctl to ignore if the source can not be found.


When specifying noOverride: true, Kluctl will not override variables from the previously loaded variables. This is useful if you want to load default values for variables.


Variables can also be loaded conditionally by specifying a condition via when: <condition>. The condition must be in the same format as described in conditional deployment items


Specifying sensitive: true causes the Webui to redact the underlying variables for non-admin users. This will be set to true by default for all variable sources that usually load sensitive data, including sops encrypted files and Kubernetes secrets.


Specifies a JSON path to be used as the target path in the new templating context.

Only simple pathes are supported that do not contain wildcards or lists.

For some variable sources, targetPath will become mandatory when the resulting variable is not a dictionary.

Variable source types

Different types of vars entries are possible:


This loads variables from a yaml file. Assume the following yaml file with the name vars1.yaml:

  a: 1
  b: "b"
    - l1
    - l2

This file can be loaded via:

  - file: vars1.yaml

After which all included deployments and sub-deployments can use the jinja2 variables from vars1.yaml.

Kluctl also supports variable files encrypted with SOPS. See the sops integration integration for more details.


An inline definition of variables. Example:

  - values:
      a: 1
      b: c

These variables can then be used in all deployments and sub-deployments.

In case you need to use variables defined in previous vars sources, the values var source needs some special handling in regard to templating. It’s important to understand that the deployment project is rendered BEFORE any vars source processing is performed, which means that it will fail to render when you use previously defined variables in a values vars source. To still use previously defined variables, surround the values vars source with {% raw %} and {% endraw %}. In addition, the template expressions must be wrapped with ", as otherwise the loading of the deployment project will fail shortly after rendering due to YAML parsing errors.

  - values:
      a: 1
      b: c
{% raw %}
  - values:
      c: "{{ a }}"
{% endraw %}

An alternative syntax is to use a template expression that itself outputs a template expression:

  - values:
      a: 1
      b: c
  - values:
      c: {{ '{{ a }}' }}

The advantage of the second method is that the type (number) of a is preserved, while the first method would convert it into a string.


This loads variables from a file inside a git repository. Example:

  - git:
      url: ssh://
        branch: my-branch
      path: path/to/vars.yaml

The ref field has the same format at found in Git includes

Kluctl also supports variable files encrypted with SOPS. See the sops integration integration for more details.


This loads multiple branches/tags and its contents from a git repository. The branches/tags can be filtered via regex and the files to load can be filtered via globs. Files can also be parsed and interpreted as yaml. Providing targrtPath is mandatory for this variables source.


  - gitFiles:
      url: ssh://
        branch: preview-env-.*
        - glob: preview-info.yaml
          parseYaml: true
    targetPath: previewEnvs

The following fields are supported for gitFiles.


Specified the Git url.


Specifies the ref to match. The ref field has the same format at found in Git includes, with the addition that branches and tags can specify regular expressions.


Specifies a list of file filters. Each entry can have the following fields:

globyesSpecifies the globbing pattern to test files against. / must be used as separator, even on Windows.
rendernoIf set to true, Kluctl will render the content of matching files with the current context (excluding the currently loaded gitFiles.
parseYamlnoIf set to true, Kluctl will parse and interpret the content of matching files as YAML.
The result is stored in the parsed field of the resulting file dict.
Parsing happend after rendering (if render: true is used).
yamlMultiDocnoIf set to true, Kluctl will treat the content of matching files as multi-document YAML file.

gitFiles result

The above example will put the result into the variable previewEnvs. The result is a list of matching branches/tags with each entry having the following form:

- ref:
    branch: preview-env-1
  refStr: refs/heads/preview-env-1
  - path: preview-info.yaml
    size: 1234
    content: |
          yamlContent: 42      
          yamlContent: 42
    # this is a copy of the original `gitFiles.files` entry that caused this match
      glob: preview-info.yaml
      parseYaml: true
  # this is a flat dict with each entry being a copy of what is found in `files` for that same entry
  # it is indexed by the relative path of each file
      path: preview-info.yaml
      content: ...
      path: dir1/sub-dir/file.yaml
      content: ...
  # this is a nested dict that follows the directory structure
      path: preview-info.yaml
      content: ...
          path: dir1/sub-dir/file.yaml
          content: ...
- ref:
    branch: preview-env-2

Each file entry, as found in files, filesByPath and filesTree has the following fields:

fileThis is a copy of the files entry from gitFiles that caused the match.
pathThe relative path inside the git repository.
sizeThe size of the file. If the file is encrypted, this specifies the size of the unencrypted content.
contentThe content of the file. If the original file is encrypted, the content will contain the unencrypted content. If render: true was specified, the content will be the rendered content.
parsedIf parsed: true was specified, this field will contain the parsed content of the file.


Loads a configmap from the target’s cluster and loads the specified key’s value into the templating context. The value is treated and loaded as YAML and thus can either be a simple value or a complex nested structure. In case of a simple value (e.g. a number), you must also specify targetPath.

The referred ConfigMap must already exist while the Kluctl project is loaded, meaning that it is not possible to use a ConfigMap that is deployed as part of the Kluctl project itself.

Assume the following ConfigMap to be already deployed to the target cluster:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-vars
  namespace: my-namespace
  vars: |
    a: 1
    b: "b"
      - l1
      - l2    

This ConfigMap can be loaded via:

  - clusterConfigMap:
      name: my-vars
      namespace: my-namespace
      key: vars

The following example uses a simple value:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-vars
  namespace: my-namespace
  value: 123

This ConfigMap can be loaded via:

  - clusterConfigMap:
      name: my-vars
      namespace: my-namespace
      key: value
    targetPath: deep.nested.path


Same as clusterConfigMap, but for secrets.


Retrieves an arbitrary Kubernetes object from the target’s cluster and loads the specified content under path into the templating context. The content can either be interpreted as is or interpreted and loaded as yaml text. In both cases, rendering with the current context (without the newly introduced variables) can also be enabled.

targetPath must also be specified to configure under which sub-keys the new variables should be loaded.

The referred Kubernetes object must already exist while the Kluctl project is loaded, meaning that it is not possible to use an object that is deployed as part of the Kluctl project itself. The exception to this is when you use ignoreMissing: true and properly handle the missing case inside your templating (an example can be found further down).

Objects can either be referred to by name or by labels. In case of labels, Kluctl assumes that only a single object matches. If multiple object are expected to match, list: true must also be passed, in which case the result loaded into targetPath will be a list of objects instead of a single object.

Assume the following object to be already deployed to the target cluster:

kind: SomeObject
  name: my-object
  namespace: my-namespace
  my-status: all-good

This object can be loaded via:

  - clusterObject:
      kind: SomeObject
      name: my-object
      namespace: my-namespace
      path: status
    targetPath: my.custom.object.status

The following properties are supported for clusterObject sources:

kind (required)

The object kind. Kluctl will try to find the matching Kubernetes resource for this kind, which might either be a native API resource or a custom resource. If multiple resources match, apiVersion must also be specified.

apiVersion (optional)

The apiVersion of the object. This field is only required if kind is not enough to identify the underlying API resource.

namespace (required)

The namespace from which to load the object.

name (optional)

The name of the object. If specified, the object with the given name must exist (ignoreMissing: true can override this).

Can be omitted when labels is specified.

labels (optional)

Specifies one or multiple labels to match. If specified, name is not allowed.

By default, assumes and requires (unless ignoreMissing: true is set) that only one object matches. If multiple objects are assumed to match, set list: true as well, in which case the result will be a list as well.

list (optional)

If set to true, the result will be a list with one or more elements.

path (required)

Specifies a JSON path to be used to load a sub-key from the matching object(s). Use $ to load the whole object. To load a single field, use something like To load a whole sub-dict/sub-object or sub-list, use something like status.conditions.

The specified JSON path is only allowed to result in a single match.

render (optional)

If set to true, Kluctl will render the resulting object(s) with the current templating context (excluding the newly loaded variables). Rendering happens on the values of individual fields of the resulting object(s). When parseYaml: true is specified as well, rendering happens before parsing the YAML string.

parseYaml (optional)

Instructs Kluctl to treat the value found at path as a YAML string. The value must be of type string. Kluctl will parse the string as YAML and use the resulting YAML value (which can be a simple int/float/bool or a complex list/dict) as the result and store it in targetPath. When render: true is specified as well, the YAML string is rendered before parsing happens.


The http variables source allows to load variables from an arbitrary HTTP resource by performing a GET (or any other configured HTTP method) on the URL. Example:

  - http:

The above source will load a variables file from the given URL. The file is expected to be in yaml or json format.

The following additional properties are supported for http sources:


Specifies the HTTP method to be used when requesting the given resource. Defaults to GET.


The body to send along with the request. If not specified, nothing is sent.


A map of key/values pairs representing the header entries to be added to the request. If not specified, nothing is added.


Can be used to select a nested element from the yaml/json document returned by the HTTP request. This is useful in case some REST api is used which does not directly return the variables file. Example:

  - http:
      jsonPath: $[0].data

The above example would successfully use the following json document as variables source:

[{"data": {"vars": {"var1": "value1"}}}]


Kluctl currently supports BASIC and NTLM authentication. It will prompt for credentials when needed.


AWS Secrets Manager integration. Loads a variables YAML from an AWS Secrets Manager secret. The secret can either be specified via an ARN or via a secretName and region combination. An existing AWS config profile can also be specified.

The secrets stored in AWS Secrets manager must contain a valid yaml or json file.

Example using an ARN:

  - awsSecretsManager:
      secretName: arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-central-1:12345678:secret:secret-name-XYZ
      profile: my-prod-profile

Example using a secret name and region:

  - awsSecretsManager:
      secretName: secret-name
      region: eu-central-1
      profile: my-prod-profile

The advantage of the latter is that the auto-generated suffix in the ARN (which might not be known at the time of writing the configuration) doesn’t have to be specified.


Google Secret Manager integration. Loads a variables YAML from a Google Secrets Manager secret. The secret name should be specified in projects/*/secrets/*/versions/* format.

The secrets stored in Google Secrets manager must contain a valid yaml or json file.


  - gcpSecretManager:
      secretName: "projects/my-project/secrets/secret/versions/latest"

It is recommended to use workload identity when you are using kluctl controller. You will need to annotate kluctl controller service account with service account name created in your google project:


substitute PROJECT-NAME with your real project name in google. Service account in your google project should have role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor to access secrets.

To run kluctl locally with gcpSecretManager enabled refer to setting local development environment article.


Azure Key Vault integration. Loads a variables YAML from an Azure Key Vault.


  - azureKeyVault:
      vaultUri: ""
      secretName: kluctl

SDK azure-sdk-for-go supports az login or Environment Variables



Vault by HashiCorp with Tokens authentication integration. The address and the path to the secret can be configured. The implementation was tested with KV Secrets Engine.

Example using vault:

  - vault:
      address: http://localhost:8200
      path: secret/data/simple

Before deploying please make sure that you have access to vault. You can do this for example by setting the environment variable VAULT_TOKEN.


Load variables from environment variables. Children of systemEnvVars can be arbitrary yaml, e.g. dictionaries or lists. The leaf values are used to get a value from the system environment.


- systemEnvVars:
    var1: ENV_VAR_NAME1
      var2: ENV_VAR_NAME2
      - var3: ENV_VAR_NAME3

The above example will make 3 variables available: var1, someDict.var2 and someList[0].var3, each having the values of the environment variables specified by the leaf values.

All specified environment variables must be set before calling kluctl unless a default value is set. Default values can be set by using the ENV_VAR_NAME:default-value form.


- systemEnvVars:
    var1: ENV_VAR_NAME4:defaultValue

The above example will set the variable var1 to defaultValue in case ENV_VAR_NAME4 is not set.

All values retrieved from environment variables (or specified as default values) will be treated as YAML, meaning that integers and booleans will be treated as integers/booleans. If you want to enforce strings, encapsulate the values in quotes.


- systemEnvVars:
    var1: ENV_VAR_NAME5:'true'

The above example will treat true as a string instead of a boolean. When the environment variable is set outside kluctl, it should also contain the quotes. Please note that your shell might require escaping to properly pass quotes.

Last modified June 19, 2024: Sync docs (#133) (3701c54)