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Deployments and sub-deployments.

A deployment project is a collection of deployment items and sub-deployments. Deployment items are usually Kustomize deployments, but can also integrate Helm Charts.

Basic structure

The following visualization shows the basic structure of a deployment project. The entry point of every deployment project is the deployment.yaml file, which then includes further sub-deployments and kustomize deployments. It also provides some additional configuration required for multiple kluctl features to work as expected.

As can be seen, sub-deployments can include other sub-deployments, allowing you to structure the deployment project as you need.

Each level in this structure recursively adds tags to each deployed resources, allowing you to control precisely what is deployed in the future.

-- project-dir/
   |-- deployment.yaml
   |-- .gitignore
   |-- kustomize-deployment1/
   |   |-- kustomization.yaml
   |   `-- resource.yaml
   |-- sub-deployment/
   |   |-- deployment.yaml
   |   |-- kustomize-deployment2/
   |   |   |-- resource1.yaml
   |   |   `-- ...
   |   |-- kustomize-deployment3/
   |   |   |-- kustomization.yaml
   |   |   |-- resource1.yaml
   |   |   |-- resource2.yaml
   |   |   |-- patch1.yaml
   |   |   `-- ...
   |   |-- kustomize-with-helm-deployment
   |   |   |-- charts/
   |   |   |   `-- ...
   |   |   |-- kustomization.yaml
   |   |   |-- helm-chart.yaml
   |   |   `-- helm-values.yaml
   |   `-- subsub-deployment/
   |       |-- deployment.yaml
   |       |-- ... kustomize deployments
   |       `-- ... subsubsub deployments
   `-- sub-deployment/
       `-- ...

Order of deployments

Deployments are done in parallel, meaning that there are usually no order guarantees. The only way to somehow control order, is by placing barriers between kustomize deployments. You should however not overuse barriers, as they negatively impact the speed of kluctl.

Plain Kustomize

It’s also possible to use Kluctl on plain Kustomize deployments. Simply run kluctl deploy from inside the folder of your kustomization.yaml. If you also don’t have a .kluctl.yaml, you can also work without targets.

Please note that pruning and deletion is not supported in this mode.

1 - Deployments

Structure of deployment.yaml.

The deployment.yaml file is the entrypoint for the deployment project. Included sub-deployments also provide a deployment.yaml file with the same structure as the initial one.

An example deployment.yaml looks like this:

- path: nginx
- path: my-app
- include: monitoring
- git:
- oci:
    url: oci://

  my.prefix/target: "{{ }}"
  my.prefix/deployment-project: my-deployment-project

The following sub-chapters describe the available fields in the deployment.yaml


deployments is a list of deployment items. Multiple deployment types are supported, which is documented further down. Individual deployments are performed in parallel, unless a barrier is encountered which causes kluctl to wait for all previous deployments to finish.

Deployments can also be conditional by using the when field.

Simple deployments

Simple deployments are specified via path and are expected to be directories with Kubernetes manifests inside. Kluctl will internally generate a kustomization.yaml from these manifests and treat the deployment item the same way as it would treat a Kustomize deployment.


- path: path/to/manifests

Kustomize deployments

When the deployment item directory specified via path contains a kustomization.yaml, Kluctl will use this file instead of generating one.

Please see Kustomize integration for more details.


- path: path/to/deployment1
- path: path/to/deployment2

The path must point to a directory relative to the directory containing the deployment.yaml. Only directories that are part of the kluctl project are allowed. The directory must contain a valid kustomization.yaml.


Specifies a sub-deployment project to be included. The included sub-deployment project will inherit many properties of the parent project, e.g. tags, commonLabels and so on.


- include: path/to/sub-deployment

The path must point to a directory relative to the directory containing the deployment.yaml. Only directories that are part of the kluctl project are allowed. The directory must contain a valid deployment.yaml.

Git includes

Specifies an external git project to be included. The project is included the same way with regular includes, except that the included project can not use/load templates from the parent project. An included project might also include further git projects.

If the included project is a Kluctl Library Project, current variables are NOT passed automatically into the included project. Only when passVars is set to true, all current variables are passed. For library projects, args is the preferred way to pass configuration.

Simple example:

- git:

This will clone the git repository at, checkout the default branch and include it into the current project.

Advanced Example:

- git:
      branch: my-branch
    subDir: some/sub/dir

The url specifies the Git url to be cloned and checked out.

ref is optional and specifies the branch or tag to be used. To specify a branch, set the sub-field branch as seen in the above example. To pass a tag, set the tag field instead. To pass a commit, set the commit field instead.

If ref is omitted, the default branch will be checked out.

subDir is optional and specifies the sub directory inside the git repository to include.

OCI includes

Specifies an OCI based artifact to include. The artifact must be pushed to your OCI repository via the kluctl oci push command. The artifact is extracted and then included the same way a git include is included.

If the included project is a Kluctl Library Project, current variables are NOT passed automatically into the included project. Only when passVars is set to true, all current variables are passed. For library projects, args is the preferred way to pass configuration.

Simple example:

- oci:
    url: oci://

The url specifies the OCI repository url. It must use the oci:// scheme. It is not allowed to add tags or digests to the url. Instead, use the dedicated ref field:

- oci:
    url: oci://
      tag: latest

For digests, use:

- oci:
    url: oci://
      digest: sha256:9ac3ba762c373ebccecb9dd3ac1d8ca091e4bd4a101701ce99e6058c0c74eedc

Subdirectories of the pushed artifact can be specified via subDir:

- oci:
    url: oci://
    subDir: my-subdir

See OCI support for more details, especially in regard to authentication for private registries.


Causes kluctl to wait until all previous kustomize deployments have been applied. This is useful when upcoming deployments need the current or previous deployments to be finished beforehand. Previous deployments also include all sub-deployments from included deployments.

Please note that barriers do not wait for readiness of individual resources. This means that it will not wait for readiness of services, deployments, daemon sets, and so on. To actually wait for readiness, use waitReadiness: true or waitReadinessObjects.


- path: kustomizeDeployment1
- path: kustomizeDeployment2
- include: subDeployment1
- barrier: true
# At this point, it's ensured that kustomizeDeployment1, kustomizeDeployment2 and all sub-deployments from
# subDeployment1 are fully deployed.
- path: kustomizeDeployment3

To create a barrier with a custom message, include the message parameter when creating the barrier. The message parameter accepts a string value that represents the custom message.


- path: kustomizeDeployment1
- path: kustomizeDeployment2
- include: subDeployment1
- barrier: true
  message: "Waiting for subDeployment1 to be finished"
# At this point, it's ensured that kustomizeDeployment1, kustomizeDeployment2 and all sub-deployments from
# subDeployment1 are fully applied.
- path: kustomizeDeployment3

If no custom message is provided, the barrier will be created without a specific message, and the default behavior will be applied.

When viewing the kluctl deploy status, the custom message, if provided, will be displayed along with default barrier information.


waitReadiness can be set on all deployment items. If set to true, Kluctl will wait for readiness of each individual object of the current deployment item. Readiness is defined in readiness.

Please note that Kluctl will not wait for readiness of previous deployment items.

This can also be combined with barriers, which will instruct Kluctl to stop processing the next deployment items until everything before the barrier is applied and the current deployment item’s objects are all ready.


- path: kustomizeDeployment1
  waitReadiness: true
- path: kustomizeDeployment2
  # this will wait for kustomizeDeployment1 to be applied+ready and kustomizeDeployment2 to be applied
  # kustomizeDeployment2 is not guaranteed to be ready at this point, but might be due to the parallel nature of Kluctl
- barrier: true
- path: kustomizeDeployment3


This is comparable to waitReadiness, but instead of waiting for all objects of the current deployment item, it allows to explicitly specify objects which are not necessarily part of the current (or any) deployment item.

This is for example useful if you used an external Helm Chart and want to wait for readiness of some individual objects, e.g. CRDs that are being deployment by some in-cluster operator instead of the Helm chart itself.


# The cilium Helm chart does not deploy CRDs anymore. Instead, the cilium-operator does this on startup. This means,
# we can't apply CiliumNetworkPolicies before the CRDs get applied by the operator.
- path: cilium
- barrier: true
  - kind: Deployment
    name: cilium-operator
    namespace: kube-system
  - kind: CustomResourceDefinition
# This deployment can now safely use the CRDs applied by the operator
- path: kustomizeDeployment1


Causes kluctl to delete matching objects, specified by a list of group/kind/name/namespace dictionaries. The order/parallelization of deletion is identical to the order and parallelization of normal deployment items, meaning that it happens in parallel by default until a barrier is encountered.


  - deleteObjects:
      - group: apps
        kind: DaemonSet
        namespace: kube-system
        name: kube-proxy
  - barrier: true
  - path: my-cni

The above example shows how to delete the kube-proxy DaemonSet before installing a CNI (e.g. Cilium in proxy-replacement mode).

deployments common properties

All entries in deployments can have the following common properties:

vars (deployment item)

A list of variable sets to be loaded into the templating context, which is then available in all deployment items and sub-deployments.

See templating for more details.


- path: kustomizeDeployment1
    - file: vars1.yaml
    - values:
        var1: value1
- path: kustomizeDeployment2
# all sub-deployments of this include will have the given variables available in their Jinj2 context.
- include: subDeployment1
    - file: vars2.yaml


Can only be used on include, git include and oci include. If set to true, all variables will be passed down to the included project even if the project is an explicitly marked Kluctl Library Project.

If the included project is not a library project, variables are always fully passed into the included deployment.


Can only be used on include, git include and oci include. Passes the given arguments into Kluctl Library Projects.


Each deployment item can be conditional with the help of the when field. It must be set to a Jinja2 based expression that evaluates to a boolean.


- path: item1
- path: item2
  when: my.var == "my-value"

tags (deployment item)

A list of tags the deployment should have. See tags for more details. For includes, this means that all sub-deployments will get these tags applied to. If not specified, the default tags logic as described in tags is applied.


- path: kustomizeDeployment1
    - tag1
    - tag2
- path: kustomizeDeployment2
    - tag3
# all sub-deployments of this include will get tag4 applied
- include: subDeployment1
    - tag4


Forces a deployment to be included everytime, ignoring inclusion/exclusion sets from the command line. See Deploying with tag inclusion/exclusion for details.

- path: kustomizeDeployment1
  alwaysDeploy: true
- path: kustomizeDeployment2

Please note that alwaysDeploy will also cause kluctl render to always render the resources.


Forces exclusion of a deployment whenever inclusion/exclusion tags are specified via command line. See Deleting with tag inclusion/exclusion for details.

- path: kustomizeDeployment1
  skipDeleteIfTags: true
- path: kustomizeDeployment2


Causes a path to be rendered only but not treated as a deployment item. This can be useful if you for example want to use Kustomize components which you’d refer from other deployment items.

- path: component
  onlyRender: true
- path: kustomizeDeployment2

vars (deployment project)

A list of variable sets to be loaded into the templating context, which is then available in all deployment items and sub-deployments.

See templating for more details.


A dictionary of labels and values to be added to all resources deployed by any of the deployment items in this deployment project.

Consider the following example deployment.yaml:

  - path: nginx
  - include: sub-deployment1

  my.prefix/target: {{ }}
  my.prefix/deployment-name: my-deployment-project-name
  my.prefix/label-1: value-1
  my.prefix/label-2: value-2

Every resource deployed by the kustomize deployment nginx will now get the four provided labels attached. All included sub-deployment projects (e.g. sub-deployment1) will also recursively inherit these labels and pass them further down.

In case an included sub-deployment project also contains commonLabels, both dictionaries of commonLabels are merged inside the included sub-deployment project. In case of conflicts, the included common labels override the inherited.

Please note that these commonLabels are not related to commonLabels supported in kustomization.yaml files. It was decided to not rely on this feature but instead attach labels manually to resources right before sending them to kubernetes. This is due to an implementation detail in kustomize which causes commonLabels to also be applied to label selectors, which makes otherwise editable resources read-only when it comes to commonLabels.


A dictionary of annotations and values to be added to all resources deployed by any of the deployment items in this deployment project.

commonAnnotations are handled the same as commonLabels in regard to inheriting, merging and overriding.


A string that is used as the default namespace for all kustomize deployments which don’t have a namespace set in their kustomization.yaml.

tags (deployment project)

A list of common tags which are applied to all kustomize deployments and sub-deployment includes.

See tags for more details.


A list of rules used to determine which differences should be ignored in diff outputs.

As an alternative, annotations can be used to control diff behavior of individual resources.

Consider the following example:

  - ...

  - kind: Deployment
    name: my-deployment
    fieldPath: spec.replicas

This will ignore differences for the spec.replicas field in the Deployment with the name my-deployment.

Using regex expressions instead of JSON Pathes is also supported:

  - ...

  - kind: Deployment
    name: my-deployment

The following properties are supported in ignoreForDiff items.


If specified, must be a valid JSON Path. Kluctl will ignore differences for all matching fields of all matching objects (see the other properties).

Either fieldPath or fieldPathRegex must be provided.


If specified, must be a valid regex. Kluctl will ignore differences for all matching fields of all matching objects (see the other properties).

Either fieldPath or fieldPathRegex must be provided.


This property is optional. If specified, only objects with a matching api group will be considered. Please note that this field should NOT include the version of the api group.


This property is optional. If specified, only objects with a matching kind will be considered.


This property is optional. If specified, only objects with a matching namespace will be considered.


This property is optional. If specified, only objects with a matching name will be considered.


A list of rules used to determine how to handle conflict resolution.

As an alternative, annotations can be used to control conflict resolution of individual resources.

Consider the following example:

  - ...

  - kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
    fieldPath: webhooks.*.*
    action: ignore

This will cause Kluctl to ignore conflicts on all matching fields of all ValidatingWebhookConfiguration objects.

Using regex expressions instead of JSON Pathes is also supported:

  - ...

  - kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
    fieldPathRegex: webhooks\..
    action: ignore

In some cases, it’s easier to match fields by manager name:

  - ...

  - manager: clusterrole-aggregation-controller
    action: ignore
  - manager: cert-manager-cainjector
    action: ignore

The following properties are supported in conflictResolution items.


If specified, must be a valid JSON Path. Kluctl will ignore conflicts for all matching fields of all matching objects (see the other properties).

Either fieldPath, fieldPathRegex or manager must be provided.


If specified, must be a valid regex. Kluctl will ignore conflicts for all matching fields of all matching objects (see the other properties).

Either fieldPath, fieldPathRegex or manager must be provided.


If specified, must be a valid regex. Kluctl will ignore conflicts for all fields that currently have a matching field manager assigned. This is useful if a mutating webhook or controller is known to modify fields after they have been applied.

Either fieldPath, fieldPathRegex or manager must be provided.


This field is required and must be either ignore or force-apply.


This property is optional. If specified, only objects with a matching api group will be considered. Please note that this field should NOT include the version of the api group.


This property is optional. If specified, only objects with a matching kind will be considered.


This property is optional. If specified, only objects with a matching namespace will be considered.


This property is optional. If specified, only objects with a matching name will be considered.

2 - Kustomize Integration

How Kustomize is integrated into Kluctl

kluctl uses kustomize to render final resources. This means, that the finest/lowest level in kluctl is represented with kustomize deployments. These kustomize deployments can then perform further customization, e.g. patching and more. You can also use kustomize to easily generate ConfigMaps or secrets from files.

Generally, everything is possible via kustomization.yaml, is thus possible in kluctl.

We advise to read the kustomize reference. You can also look into the official kustomize example.

Using the Kustomize Integration

Please refer to the Kustomize Deployment Item documentation for details.

3 - Container Images

Dynamic configuration of container images.

There are usually 2 different scenarios where Container Images need to be specified:

  1. When deploying third party applications like nginx, redis, … (e.g. via the Helm integration).
    • In this case, image versions/tags rarely change, and if they do, this is an explicit change to the deployment. This means it’s fine to have the image versions/tags directly in the deployment manifests.
  2. When deploying your own applications.
    • In this case, image versions/tags might change very rapidly, sometimes multiple times per hour. Having these versions/tags directly in the deployment manifests can easily lead to commit spam and hard to manage multi-environment deployments.

kluctl offers a better solution for the second case.


This is solved via a templating function that is available in all templates/resources. The function is part of the global images object and expects the following arguments:


  • image
    • The image name/repository. It is looked up the list of fixed images.

The function will lookup the given image in the list of fixed images and return the last match.

Example deployment:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
      - name: c1
        image: "{{ images.get_image('') }}"

Fixed images

Fixed images can be configured multiple methods:

  1. Command line argument --fixed-image
  2. Command line argument --fixed-images-file
  3. Target definition
  4. Global ‘images’ variable

Command line argument --fixed-image

You can pass fixed images configuration via the --fixed-image argument. Due to environment variables support in the CLI, you can also use the environment variable KLUCTL_FIXED_IMAGE_XXX to configure fixed images.

The format of the --fixed-image argument is --fixed-image image<:namespace:deployment:container>=result. The simplest example is --fixed-image

Command line argument --fixed-images-file

You can also configure fixed images via a yaml file by using --fixed-images-file /path/to/fixed-images.yaml. file:

  - image:

The file must contain a single root list named images with each entry having the following form:

  - image: <image_name>
    resultImage: <result_image>
    # optional fields
    namespace: <namespace>
    deployment: <kind>/<name>
    container: <name>

image (or imageRegex) and resultImage are required. All the other fields are optional and allow to specify in detail for which object the fixed is specified.

You can also specify a regex for the image name:

  - imageRegex: registry\.gitlab\.com/my-group/.*
    resultImage: <result_image>
    # optional fields
    namespace: <namespace>
    deployment: <kind>/<name>
    container: <name>

Target definition

The target definition can optionally specify an images field that can contain the same fixed images configuration as found in the --fixed-images-file file.

Global ‘images’ variable

You can also define a global variable named images via one of the variable sources. This variable must be a list of the same format as the images list in the --fixed-images-file file.

This option allows to externalize fixed images configuration, meaning that you can maintain image versions outside the deployment project, e.g. in another Git repository.

4 - Helm Integration

How Helm is integrated into Kluctl.

kluctl offers a simple-to-use Helm integration, which allows you to reuse many common third-party Helm Charts.

The integration is split into 2 parts/steps/layers. The first is the management and pulling of the Helm Charts, while the second part handles configuration/customization and deployment of the chart.

It is recommended to pre-pull Helm Charts with kluctl helm-pull, which will store the pulled charts inside .helm-charts of the project directory. It is however also possible (but not recommended) to skip the pre-pulling phase and let kluctl pull Charts on-demand.

When pre-pulling Helm Charts, you can also add the resulting Chart contents into version control. This is actually recommended as it ensures that the deployment will always behave the same. It also allows pull-request based reviews on third-party Helm Charts.

How it works

Helm charts are not directly installed via Helm. Instead, kluctl renders the Helm Chart into a single file and then hands over the rendered yaml to kustomize. Rendering is done in combination with a provided helm-values.yaml, which contains the necessary values to configure the Helm Chart.

The resulting rendered yaml is then referred by your kustomization.yaml, from which point on the kustomize integration takes over. This means, that you can perform all desired customization (patches, namespace override, …) as if you provided your own resources via yaml files.

Helm hooks

Helm Hooks are implemented by mapping them to kluctl hooks, based on the following mapping table:

Helm hookkluctl hook
pre-deleteNot supported
post-deleteNot supported
pre-rollbackNot supported
post-rollbackNot supported
testNot supported

Please note that this is a best effort approach and not 100% compatible to how Helm would run hooks.


The helm-chart.yaml defines where to get the chart from, which version should be pulled, the rendered output file name, and a few more Helm options. After this file is added to your project, you need to invoke the helm-pull command to pull the Helm Chart into your local project. It is advised to put the pulled Helm Chart into version control, so that deployments will always be based on the exact same Chart (Helm does not guarantee this when pulling).

Example helm-chart.yaml:

  chartName: redis
  chartVersion: 12.1.1
  updateConstraints: ~12.1.0
  skipUpdate: false
  skipPrePull: false
  releaseName: redis-cache
  namespace: "{{ my.jinja2.var }}"
  output: helm-rendered.yaml # this is optional

When running the helm-pull command, it will search for all helm-chart.yaml files in your project and then pull the chart from the specified repository with the specified version. The pull chart will then be located in the sub-directory charts below the same directory as the helm-chart.yaml

The same filename that was specified in output must then be referred in a kustomization.yaml as a normal local resource. If output is omitted, the default value helm-rendered.yaml is used and must also be referenced in kustomization.yaml.

helmChart inside helm-chart.yaml supports the following fields:


The url to the Helm repository where the Helm Chart is located. You can use to search for repositories and charts and then use the repos found there.

OCI based repositories are also supported, for example:

  repo: oci://
  chartVersion: 1.2.3
  releaseName: pepper
  namespace: pepper


As alternative to repo, you can also specify path. The path must point to a local Helm Chart that is relative to the helm-chart.yaml. The local Chart must reside in your Kluctl project.

When path is specified, repo, chartName, chartVersion and updateContrainsts are not allowed.


The name of the chart that can be found in the repository.


The version of the chart. Must be a valid semantic version.


Instead of using repo for OCI/Helm registries or path for local charts, you can also pull Charts from Git repositories. This is helpful in cases where you don’t want to publish a chart to a registry or as page, e.g. because of the overhead or other internal restrictions. You have to set the url as well as the branch, tag or commit. If the chart itself is in a sub directory, you can also specify a subDir:

      branch: main
      #tag: v1.0.0 -- branch, tag and commit are mutually exclusive
      #commit: 015244630b53eb69d77858e5587641b741e91706 -- branch, tag and commit are mutually exclusive
    subDir: charts/path/to/chart
  releaseName: salt
  namespace: salt

In order to be able to use the helm-update command, the branch or tag has to be semantic. If this is not the case, the update is skipped.


Specifies version constraints to be used when running helm-update. See Checking Version Constraints for details on the supported syntax.

If omitted, Kluctl will filter out pre-releases by default. Use a updateConstraints like ~1.2.3-0 to enable pre-releases.


If set to true, skip this Helm Chart when the helm-update command is called. If omitted, defaults to false.


If set to true, skip pre-pulling of this Helm Chart when running helm-pull. This will also enable pulling on-demand when the deployment project is rendered/deployed.


The name of the Helm Release.


The namespace that this Helm Chart is going to be deployed to. Please note that this should match the namespace that you’re actually deploying the kustomize deployment to. This means, that either namespace in kustomization.yaml or overrideNamespace in deployment.yaml should match the namespace given here. The namespace should also be existing already at the point in time when the kustomize deployment is deployed.


This is the file name into which the Helm Chart is rendered into. Your kustomization.yaml should include this same file. The file should not be existing in your project, as it is created on-the-fly while deploying.


If set to true, kluctl will pass --skip-crds to Helm when rendering the deployment. If set to false (which is the default), kluctl will pass --include-crds to Helm.


This file should be present when you need to pass custom Helm Value to Helm while rendering the deployment. Please read the documentation of the used Helm Charts for details on what is supported.

Updates to helm-charts

In case a Helm Chart needs to be updated, you can either do this manually by replacing the chartVersion value in helm-chart.yaml and the calling the helm-pull command or by simply invoking helm-update with --upgrade and/or --commit being set.

Private Repositories

It is also possible to use private chart repositories and private OCI registries. There are multiple options to provide credentials to Kluctl.

Use helm repo add --username xxx --password xxx before

Kluctl will try to find known repositories that are managed by the Helm CLI and then try to reuse the credentials of these. The repositories are identified by the URL of the repository, so it doesn’t matter what name you used when you added the repository to Helm. The same method can be used for client certificate based authentication (--key-file in helm repo add).

Use helm registry login --username xxx --password xxx for OCI registries

The same as for helm repo add applies here, except that authentication entries are matched by hostname.

Use docker login for OCI registries

Kluctl tries to use credentials stored in $HOME/.docker/config.json as well, so docker login will also allow Kluctl to authenticate against OCI registries.

Use the –helm-xxx and –registry-xxx arguments of Kluctl sub-commands

All commands that interact with Helm Chart repositories and OCI registries support the helm arguments and registry arguments to specify authentication per repository and/or OCI registry.

⚠️DEPRECATION WARNING ⚠️ Previous versions (prior to v2.22.0) of Kluctl supported managing Helm credentials via credentialsId in helm-chart.yaml. This is deprecated now and will be removed in the future. Please switch to hostname/registry-name based authentication instead. See helm arguments for details.

Use environment variables to specify authentication

You can also use environment variables to specify Helm Chart repository authentication. For OCI based registries, see OCI authentication for details.

The following environment variables are supported:

  1. KLUCTL_HELM_HOST: Specifies the host name of the repository to match before the specified credentials are considered.
  2. KLUCTL_HELM_PATH: Specifies the path to match before the specified credentials are considered. If omitted, credentials are applied to all matching hosts. Can contain wildcards.
  3. KLUCTL_HELM_USERNAME: Specifies the username.
  4. KLUCTL_HELM_PASSWORD: Specifies the password.
  5. KLUCTL_HELM_INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY: If set to true, Kluctl will skip TLS verification for matching repositories.
  6. KLUCTL_HELM_PASS_CREDENTIALS_ALL: If set to true, Kluctl will instruct Helm to pass credentials to all domains. See for details.
  7. KLUCTL_HELM_CERT_FILE: Specifies the client certificate to use while connecting to the matching repository.
  8. KLUCTL_HELM_KEY_FILE: Specifies the client key to use while connecting to the matching repository.
  9. KLUCTL_HELM_CA_FILE: Specifies CA bundle to use for TLS/https verification.

Multiple credential sets can be specified by including an index in the environment variable names, e.g., KLUCTL_HELM_1_USERNAME=my-user and KLUCTL_HELM_1_PASSWORD=my-password will apply the given credential to all repositories with the host, while, KLUCTL_HELM_2_USERNAME=my-other-user and KLUCTL_HELM_2_PASSWORD=my-other-password will apply the other credentials to the repository.

Credentials when using the kluctl-controller

In case you want to use the same Kluctl deployment via the kluctl-controller, you have to configure Helm and OCI credentials via spec.credentials.


Both helm-chart.yaml and helm-values.yaml are rendered by the templating engine before they are actually used. This means, that you can use all available Jinja2 variables at that point, which can for example be seen in the above helm-chart.yaml example for the namespace.

There is however one exception that leads to a small limitation. When helm-pull reads the helm-chart.yaml, it does NOT render the file via the templating engine. This is because it can not know how to properly render the template as it does have no information about targets (there are no -t arguments set) at that point.

This exception leads to the limitation that the helm-chart.yaml MUST be valid yaml even in case it is not rendered via the templating engine. This makes using control statements (if/for/…) impossible in this file. It also makes it a requirement to use quotes around values that contain templates (e.g. the namespace in the above example).

helm-values.yaml is not subject to these limitations as it is only interpreted while deploying.

5 - OCI Support

OCI Support in Kluctl

Kluctl provides OCI support in multiple places. See the following sections for details.

Helm OCI based registries

Kluctl fully supports OCI based Helm registries in the Helm integration.

OCI includes

Kluctl can include sub-deployments from OCI artifacts via OCI includes.

These artifacts can be pushed via the kluctl oci push sub-command.


Private registries are supported as well. To authenticate to these, use one of the following methods.

Authenticate via --registry-xxx arguments

All commands that interact with OCI registries support the registry arguments to specify authentication per OCI registry.

Authenticate via docker login

Kluctl tries to use credentials stored in $HOME/.docker/config.json as well, so docker login will also allow Kluctl to authenticate against OCI registries.

Use environment variables to specify authentication

You can also use environment variables to specify OCI authentication.

The following environment variables are supported:

  1. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_HOST: Specifies the registry host name to match before the specified credentials are considered.
  2. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY: Specifies the repository name to match before the specified credentials are considered. The repository name can contain the organization name, which default to library is omitted. Can contain wildcards.
  3. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_USERNAME: Specifies the username.
  4. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: Specifies the password.
  5. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_IDENTITY_TOKEN: Specifies the identity token used for authentication.
  6. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_TOKEN: Specifies the bearer token used for authentication.
  7. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY: If set to true, Kluctl will skip TLS verification for matching registries.
  8. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_PLAIN_HTTP: If set to true, forces the use of http (no TLS).
  9. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_CERT_FILE: Specifies the client certificate to use while connecting to the matching repository.
  10. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_KEY_FILE: Specifies the client key to use while connecting to the matching repository.
  11. KLUCTL_REGISTRY_CA_FILE: Specifies CA bundle to use for TLS/https verification.

Multiple credential sets can be specified by including an index in the environment variable names, e.g., KLUCTL_REGISTRY_1_USERNAME=my-user and KLUCTL_REGISTRY_1_PASSWORD=my-password will apply the given credential to all registries with the host, while, KLUCTL_REGISTRY_2_USERNAME=my-other-user and KLUCTL_REGISTRY_2_PASSWORD=my-other-password will apply the other credentials to the registry.

Credentials when using the kluctl-controller

In case you want to use the same Kluctl deployment via the kluctl-controller, you have to configure OCI credentials via spec.credentials.

6 - SOPS Integration

How SOPS is integrated into Kluctl

Kluctl integrates natively with SOPS. Kluctl is able to decrypt all resources referenced by Kustomize deployment items (including simple deployments). In addition, Kluctl will also decrypt all variable sources of the types file and git.

Kluctl assumes that you have setup sops as usual so that it knows how to decrypt these files.

Only encrypting Secrets’s data

To only encrypt the data and stringData fields of Kubernetes secrets, use a .sops.yaml configuration file that encrypted_regex to filter encrypted fields:

  - path_regex: .*.yaml
    encrypted_regex: ^(data|stringData)$

Combining templating and SOPS

As an alternative, you can split secret values and the resulting Kubernetes resources into two different places and then use templating to use the secret values wherever needed. Example:

Write the following content into secrets/my-secrets.yaml:

  mySecret: secret-value

And encrypt it with SOPS:

$ sops -e -i secrets/my-secrets.yaml

Add this variables source to one of your deployments:

  - file: secrets/my-secrets.yaml

- ...

Then, in one of your deployment items define the following Secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-secret
  namespace: default
  secret: "{{ secrets.mySecret }}"

7 - Hooks

Kluctl hooks.

Kluctl supports hooks in a similar fashion as known from Helm Charts. Hooks are executed/deployed before and/or after the actual deployment of a kustomize deployment.

To mark a resource as a hook, add the annotation to a resource. The value of the annotation must be a comma separated list of hook names. Possible value are described in the next chapter.

Hook types

Hook TypeDescription
pre-deploy-initialExecuted right before the initial deployment is performed.
post-deploy-initialExecuted right after the initial deployment is performed.
pre-deploy-upgradeExecuted right before a non-initial deployment is performed.
post-deploy-upgradeExecuted right after a non-initial deployment is performed.
pre-deployExecuted right before any (initial and non-initial) deployment is performed.
post-deployExecuted right after any (initial and non-initial) deployment is performed.

A deployment is considered to be an “initial” deployment if none of the resources related to the current kustomize deployment are found on the cluster at the time of deployment.

If you need to execute hooks for every deployment, independent of its “initial” state, use pre-deploy-initial,pre-deploy to indicate that it should be executed all the time.

Hook deletion

Hook resources are by default deleted right before creation (if they already existed before). This behavior can be changed by setting the to a comma separated list of the following values:

before-hook-creationThe default behavior, which means that the hook resource is deleted right before (re-)creation.
hook-succeededDelete the hook resource directly after it got “ready”
hook-failedDelete the hook resource when it failed to get “ready”

Hook readiness

After each deployment/execution of the hooks that belong to a deployment stage (before/after deployment), kluctl waits for the hook resources to become “ready”. Readiness is defined here.

It is possible to disable waiting for hook readiness by setting the annotation to “false”.

Hook Annotations

More control over hook behavior can be configured using additional annotations as described in annotations/hooks

8 - Readiness

Definition of readiness.

There are multiple places where kluctl can wait for “readiness” of resources, e.g. for hooks or when waitReadiness is specified on a deployment item. Readiness depends on the resource kind, e.g. for a Job, kluctl would wait until it finishes successfully.

Control via Annotations

Multiple annotations control the behaviour when waiting for readiness of resources. These are the following annoations:

9 - Tags

Every kustomize deployment has a set of tags assigned to it. These tags are defined in multiple places, which is documented in deployment.yaml. Look for the tags field, which is available in multiple places per deployment project.

Tags are useful when only one or more specific kustomize deployments need to be deployed or deleted.

Default tags

deployment items in deployment projects can have an optional list of tags assigned.

If this list is completely omitted, one single entry is added by default. This single entry equals to the last element of the path in the deployments entry.

Consider the following example:

  - path: nginx
  - path: some/subdir

In this example, two kustomize deployments are defined. The first would get the tag nginx while the second would get the tag subdir.

In most cases this heuristic is enough to get proper tags with which you can work. It might however lead to strange or even conflicting tags (e.g. subdir is really a bad tag), in which case you’d have to explicitly set tags.

Tag inheritance

Deployment projects and deployments items inherit the tags of their parents. For example, if a deployment project has a tags property defined, all deployments entries would inherit all these tags. Also, the sub-deployment projects included via deployment items of type include inherit the tags of the deployment project. These included sub-deployments also inherit the tags specified by the deployment item itself.

Consider the following example deployment.yaml:

  - include: sub-deployment1
      - tag1
      - tag2
  - include: sub-deployment2
      - tag3
      - tag4
  - include: subdir/subsub

Any kustomize deployment found in sub-deployment1 would now inherit tag1 and tag2. If sub-deployment1 performs any further includes, these would also inherit these two tags. Inheriting is additive and recursive.

The last sub-deployment project in the example is subject to the same default-tags logic as described in Default tags, meaning that it will get the default tag subsub.

Deploying with tag inclusion/exclusion

Special care needs to be taken when trying to deploy only a specific part of your deployment which requires some base resources to be deployed as well.

Imagine a large deployment is able to deploy 10 applications, but you only want to deploy one of them. When using tags to achieve this, there might be some base resources (e.g. Namespaces) which are needed no matter if everything or just this single application is deployed. In that case, you’d need to set alwaysDeploy to true.

Deleting with tag inclusion/exclusion

Also, in most cases, even more special care has to be taken for the same types of resources as decribed before.

Imagine a kustomize deployment being responsible for namespaces deployments. If you now want to delete everything except deployments that have the persistency tag assigned, the exclusion logic would NOT exclude deletion of the namespace. This would ultimately lead to everything being deleted, and the exclusion tag having no effect.

In such a case, you’d need to set skipDeleteIfTags to true as well.

In most cases, setting alwaysDeploy to true also requires setting skipDeleteIfTags to true.

10 - Annotations

Annotations usable in Kubernetes resources.

10.1 - All resources

Annotations on all resources

The following annotations control the behavior of the deploy and related commands.

Control deploy behavior

The following annotations control deploy behavior, especially in regard to conflict resolution.

If set to “true”, the resource will be deleted at deployment time. Kluctl will not emit an error in case the resource does not exist. A resource with this annotation does not have to be complete/valid as it is never sent to the Kubernetes api server.

If set to “true”, the whole resource will be force-applied, meaning that all fields will be overwritten in case of field manager conflicts.

As an alternative, conflict resolution can be controlled via conflictResolution.

Specifies a JSON Path for fields that should be force-applied. Matching fields will be overwritten in case of field manager conflicts.

If more than one field needs to be specified, add -xxx to the annotation key, where xxx is an arbitrary number.

As an alternative, conflict resolution can be controlled via conflictResolution.

Specifies a regex for managers that should be force-applied. Fields with matching managers will be overwritten in case of field manager conflicts.

If more than one field needs to be specified, add -xxx to the annotation key, where xxx is an arbitrary number.

As an alternative, conflict resolution can be controlled via conflictResolution.

If set to “true”, the whole all fields of the object are going to be ignored when conflicts arise. This effectively disables the warnings that are shown when field ownership is lost.

As an alternative, conflict resolution can be controlled via conflictResolution.

Specifies a JSON Path for fields that should be ignored when conflicts arise. This effectively disables the warnings that are shown when field ownership is lost.

If more than one field needs to be specified, add -xxx to the annotation key, where xxx is an arbitrary number.

As an alternative, conflict resolution can be controlled via conflictResolution.

Specifies a regex for field managers that should be ignored when conflicts arise. This effectively disables the warnings that are shown when field ownership is lost.

If more than one manager needs to be specified, add -xxx to the annotation key, where xxx is an arbitrary number.

As an alternative, conflict resolution can be controlled via conflictResolution.

If set to true, kluctl will wait for readiness of this object. Readiness is defined the same as in hook readiness. Waiting happens after all resources from the parent deployment item have been applied.

If set to true, kluctl will always consider this object as ready. If set to false, kluctl will always consider this object as not ready. If omitted, kluctl will perform normal readiness checks.

This annotation is useful if you need to introduce externalized readiness determination, e.g. inside a non-hook Pod that can annotate an object that something got ready.

Control deletion/pruning

The following annotations control how delete/prune is behaving.

If set to “true”, the annotated resource will not be deleted when delete or prune is called.

If set to “true”, the annotated resource will not be deleted when delete or prune is called and inclusion/exclusion tags are used at the same time.

This tag is especially useful and required on resources that would otherwise cause cascaded deletions of resources that do not match the specified inclusion/exclusion tags. Namespaces are the most prominent example of such resources, as they most likely don’t match exclusion tags, but cascaded deletion would still cause deletion of the excluded resources.

If set to “true”, Kluctl will always treat the annotated resource as being managed by Kluctl, meaning that it will consider it for deletion and pruning even if a foreign field manager resets/removes the Kluctl field manager or if foreign controllers add ownerReferences even though they do not really own the resources.

Control diff behavior

The following annotations control how diffs are performed.

This annotation will override the name of the object when looking for the in-cluster version of an object used for diffs. This is useful when you are forced to use new names for the same objects whenever the content changes, e.g. for all kinds of immutable resource types.

Example (filename job.yaml):

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: myjob-{{ load_sha256("job.yaml", 6) }}
  annotations: myjob
      - name: hello
        image: busybox
        command: ["sh",  "-c", "echo hello"]
      restartPolicy: Never

Without the annotation, any change to the job.yaml would be treated as a new object in resulting diffs from various commands. This is due to the inclusion of the file hash in the job name. This would make it very hard to figure out what exactly changed in an object.

With the annotation, kluctl will pick an existing job from the cluster with the same diff-name and use it for the diff, making it a lot easier to analyze changes. If multiple objects match, the one with the youngest creationTimestamp is chosen.

Please note that this will not cause old objects (with the same diff-name) to be prunes. You still have to regularely prune the deployment.

If set to “true”, the whole resource will be ignored while calculating diffs.

Specifies a JSON Path for fields that should be ignored while calculating diffs.

If more than one field needs to be specified, add -xxx to the annotation key, where xxx is an arbitrary number.

Same as but specifying a regular expressions instead of a JSON Path.

If more than one field needs to be specified, add -xxx to the annotation key, where xxx is an arbitrary number.

10.2 - Hooks

Annotations on hooks

The following annotations control hook execution

See hooks for more details.

Declares a resource to be a hook, which is deployed/executed as described in hooks. The value of the annotation determines when the hook is deployed/executed.

Specifies a weight for the hook, used to determine deployment/execution order. For resources with the same annotation, hooks are executed in ascending order based on hook-weight.

Defines when to delete the hook resource.

Defines whether kluctl should wait for hook-completion. It defaults to true and can be manually set to false.

10.3 - Validation

Annotations to control validation

The following annotations influence the validate command.

If this annotation is found on a resource that is checked while validation, the key and the value of the annotation are added to the validation result, which is then returned by the validate command.

The annotation key is dynamic, meaning that all annotations that begin with are taken into account.

If this annotation is set to true, the object will be ignored while kluctl validate is run.

10.4 - Kustomize

Annotations on the kustomization.yaml resource

Even though the kustomization.yaml from Kustomize deployments are not really Kubernetes resources (as they are not really deployed), they have the same structure as Kubernetes resources. This also means that the kustomization.yaml can define metadata and annotations. Through these annotations, additional behavior on the deployment can be controlled.


kind: Kustomization

  annotations: "true" "true"

  - deployment.yaml

If set to true, kluctl will wait for all previous objects to be applied (but not necessarily ready). This has the same effect as barrier from deployment projects.

If set to true, kluctl will wait for readiness of all objects from this kustomization project. Readiness is defined the same as in hook readiness. Waiting happens after all resources from the current deployment item have been applied.