Kluctl Controller API reference
Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the gitops.kluctl.io v1beta1 API group.
Resource Types:Decryption
(Appears on: KluctlDeploymentSpec)
Decryption defines how decryption is handled for Kubernetes manifests.
Field | Description |
provider string | Provider is the name of the decryption engine. |
secretRef LocalObjectReference | (Optional) The secret name containing the private OpenPGP keys used for decryption. |
serviceAccount string | (Optional) ServiceAccount specifies the service account used to authenticate against cloud providers. This is currently only usable for AWS KMS keys. The specified service account will be used to authenticate to AWS by signing a token in an IRSA compliant way. |
(Appears on: KluctlDeploymentSpec)
Field | Description |
secretRef LocalObjectReference | SecretRef holds the name of a secret that contains the Helm credentials.
The secret must either contain the fields |
KluctlDeployment is the Schema for the kluctldeployments API
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta | Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
spec KluctlDeploymentSpec |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
status KluctlDeploymentStatus |
(Appears on: KluctlDeployment)
Field | Description |
source ProjectSource | Specifies the project source location |
sourceOverrides []SourceOverride | (Optional) Specifies source overrides |
credentials ProjectCredentials | (Optional) Credentials specifies the credentials used when pulling sources |
decryption Decryption | (Optional) Decrypt Kubernetes secrets before applying them on the cluster. |
interval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | The interval at which to reconcile the KluctlDeployment. Reconciliation means that the deployment is fully rendered and only deployed when the result changes compared to the last deployment. To override this behavior, set the DeployInterval value. |
retryInterval Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) The interval at which to retry a previously failed reconciliation. When not specified, the controller uses the Interval value to retry failures. |
deployInterval SafeDuration | (Optional) DeployInterval specifies the interval at which to deploy the KluctlDeployment, even in cases the rendered result does not change. |
validateInterval SafeDuration | (Optional) ValidateInterval specifies the interval at which to validate the KluctlDeployment.
Validation is performed the same way as with ‘kluctl validate -t |
timeout Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration | (Optional) Timeout for all operations. Defaults to ‘Interval’ duration. |
suspend bool | (Optional) This flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent kluctl executions, it does not apply to already started executions. Defaults to false. |
helmCredentials []HelmCredentials | (Optional) HelmCredentials is a list of Helm credentials used when non pre-pulled Helm Charts are used inside a Kluctl deployment. DEPRECATED this field is deprecated and will be removed in the next API version bump. Use spec.credentials.helm instead. |
serviceAccountName string | (Optional) The name of the Kubernetes service account to use while deploying. If not specified, the default service account is used. |
kubeConfig KubeConfig | (Optional) The KubeConfig for deploying to the target cluster. Specifies the kubeconfig to be used when invoking kluctl. Contexts in this kubeconfig must match the context found in the kluctl target. As an alternative, specify the context to be used via ‘context’ |
target string | (Optional) Target specifies the kluctl target to deploy. If not specified, an empty target is used that has no name and no context. Use ‘TargetName’ and ‘Context’ to specify the name and context in that case. |
targetNameOverride string | (Optional) TargetNameOverride sets or overrides the target name. This is especially useful when deployment without a target. |
context string | (Optional) If specified, overrides the context to be used. This will effectively make kluctl ignore the context specified in the target. |
args k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) Args specifies dynamic target args. |
images []github.com/kluctl/kluctl/v2/pkg/types.FixedImage | (Optional) Images contains a list of fixed image overrides. Equivalent to using ‘–fixed-images-file’ when calling kluctl. |
dryRun bool | (Optional) DryRun instructs kluctl to run everything in dry-run mode. Equivalent to using ‘–dry-run’ when calling kluctl. |
noWait bool | (Optional) NoWait instructs kluctl to not wait for any resources to become ready, including hooks. Equivalent to using ‘–no-wait’ when calling kluctl. |
forceApply bool | (Optional) ForceApply instructs kluctl to force-apply in case of SSA conflicts. Equivalent to using ‘–force-apply’ when calling kluctl. |
replaceOnError bool | (Optional) ReplaceOnError instructs kluctl to replace resources on error. Equivalent to using ‘–replace-on-error’ when calling kluctl. |
forceReplaceOnError bool | (Optional) ForceReplaceOnError instructs kluctl to force-replace resources in case a normal replace fails. Equivalent to using ‘–force-replace-on-error’ when calling kluctl. |
abortOnError bool | (Optional) ForceReplaceOnError instructs kluctl to abort deployments immediately when something fails. Equivalent to using ‘–abort-on-error’ when calling kluctl. |
includeTags []string | (Optional) IncludeTags instructs kluctl to only include deployments with given tags. Equivalent to using ‘–include-tag’ when calling kluctl. |
excludeTags []string | (Optional) ExcludeTags instructs kluctl to exclude deployments with given tags. Equivalent to using ‘–exclude-tag’ when calling kluctl. |
includeDeploymentDirs []string | (Optional) IncludeDeploymentDirs instructs kluctl to only include deployments with the given dir. Equivalent to using ‘–include-deployment-dir’ when calling kluctl. |
excludeDeploymentDirs []string | (Optional) ExcludeDeploymentDirs instructs kluctl to exclude deployments with the given dir. Equivalent to using ‘–exclude-deployment-dir’ when calling kluctl. |
deployMode string | (Optional) DeployMode specifies what deploy mode should be used. The options ‘full-deploy’ and ‘poke-images’ are supported. With the ‘poke-images’ option, only images are patched into the target without performing a full deployment. |
validate bool | (Optional) Validate enables validation after deploying |
prune bool | (Optional) Prune enables pruning after deploying. |
delete bool | (Optional) Delete enables deletion of the specified target when the KluctlDeployment object gets deleted. |
manual bool | (Optional) Manual enables manual deployments, meaning that the deployment will initially start as a dry run deployment and only after manual approval cause a real deployment |
manualObjectsHash string | (Optional) ManualObjectsHash specifies the rendered objects hash that is approved for manual deployment. If Manual is set to true, the controller will skip deployments when the current reconciliation loops calculated objects hash does not match this value. There are two ways to use this value properly. 1. Set it manually to the value found in status.lastObjectsHash. 2. Use the Kluctl Webui to manually approve a deployment, which will set this field appropriately. |
(Appears on: KluctlDeployment)
KluctlDeploymentStatus defines the observed state of KluctlDeployment
Field | Description |
reconcileRequestResult ManualRequestResult | (Optional) |
diffRequestResult ManualRequestResult | (Optional) |
deployRequestResult ManualRequestResult | (Optional) |
pruneRequestResult ManualRequestResult | (Optional) |
validateRequestResult ManualRequestResult | (Optional) |
observedGeneration int64 | (Optional) ObservedGeneration is the last reconciled generation. |
observedCommit string | ObservedCommit is the last commit observed |
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition | (Optional) |
projectKey github.com/kluctl/kluctl/lib/git/types.ProjectKey | (Optional) |
targetKey github.com/kluctl/kluctl/v2/pkg/types/result.TargetKey | (Optional) |
lastObjectsHash string | (Optional) |
lastManualObjectsHash string | (Optional) |
lastPrepareError string | (Optional) |
lastDiffResult k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) LastDiffResult is the result summary of the last diff command |
lastDeployResult k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) LastDeployResult is the result summary of the last deploy command |
lastValidateResult k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) LastValidateResult is the result summary of the last validate command |
lastDriftDetectionResult k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | LastDriftDetectionResult is the result of the last drift detection command optional |
lastDriftDetectionResultMessage string | LastDriftDetectionResultMessage contains a short message that describes the drift optional |
(Appears on: KluctlDeploymentSpec)
KubeConfig references a Kubernetes secret that contains a kubeconfig file.
Field | Description |
secretRef SecretKeyReference | SecretRef holds the name of a secret that contains a key with
the kubeconfig file as the value. If no key is set, the key will default
to ‘value’. The secret must be in the same namespace as
the Kustomization.
It is recommended that the kubeconfig is self-contained, and the secret
is regularly updated if credentials such as a cloud-access-token expire.
Cloud specific |
(Appears on: Decryption, HelmCredentials, ProjectCredentialsGit, ProjectCredentialsGitDeprecated, ProjectCredentialsHelm, ProjectCredentialsOci, ProjectSource)
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the referent. |
(Appears on: ManualRequestResult)
ManualRequest is used in json form inside the manual request annotations
Field | Description |
requestValue string | |
overridesPatch k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.RawExtension | (Optional) |
(Appears on: KluctlDeploymentStatus)
Field | Description |
request ManualRequest | |
startTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | |
endTime Kubernetes meta/v1.Time | (Optional) |
reconcileId string | |
resultId string | (Optional) |
commandError string | (Optional) |
(Appears on: KluctlDeploymentSpec)
Field | Description |
git []ProjectCredentialsGit | (Optional) Git specifies a list of git credentials |
oci []ProjectCredentialsOci | (Optional) Oci specifies a list of OCI credentials |
helm []ProjectCredentialsHelm | (Optional) Helm specifies a list of Helm credentials |
(Appears on: ProjectCredentials)
Field | Description |
host string | Host specifies the hostname that this secret applies to. If set to ‘’, this set of credentials applies to all hosts. Using ‘’ for http(s) based repositories is not supported, meaning that such credentials sets will be ignored. You must always set a proper hostname in that case. |
path string | (Optional) Path specifies the path to be used to filter Git repositories. The path can contain wildcards. These credentials will only be used for matching Git URLs. If omitted, all repositories are considered to match. |
secretRef LocalObjectReference | SecretRef specifies the Secret containing authentication credentials for the git repository. For HTTPS git repositories the Secret must contain ‘username’ and ‘password’ fields. For SSH git repositories the Secret must contain ‘identity’ and ‘known_hosts’ fields. |
(Appears on: ProjectSource)
Field | Description |
host string | Host specifies the hostname that this secret applies to. If set to ‘’, this set of credentials applies to all hosts. Using ‘’ for http(s) based repositories is not supported, meaning that such credentials sets will be ignored. You must always set a proper hostname in that case. |
pathPrefix string | (Optional) PathPrefix specifies the path prefix to be used to filter source urls. Only urls that have this prefix will use this set of credentials. |
secretRef LocalObjectReference | SecretRef specifies the Secret containing authentication credentials for the git repository. For HTTPS git repositories the Secret must contain ‘username’ and ‘password’ fields. For SSH git repositories the Secret must contain ‘identity’ and ‘known_hosts’ fields. |
(Appears on: ProjectCredentials)
Field | Description |
host string | Host specifies the hostname that this secret applies to. |
path string | (Optional) Path specifies the path to be used to filter Helm urls. The path can contain wildcards. These credentials will only be used for matching URLs. If omitted, all URLs are considered to match. |
secretRef LocalObjectReference | SecretRef specifies the Secret containing authentication credentials for
the Helm repository.
The secret can either container basic authentication credentials via |
(Appears on: ProjectCredentials)
Field | Description |
registry string | Registry specifies the hostname that this secret applies to. |
repository string | (Optional) Repository specifies the org and repo name in the format ‘org-name/repo-name’. Both ‘org-name’ and ‘repo-name’ can be specified as ‘*’, meaning that all names are matched. |
secretRef LocalObjectReference | SecretRef specifies the Secret containing authentication credentials for the oci repository. The secret must contain ‘username’ and ‘password’. |
(Appears on: KluctlDeploymentSpec)
Field | Description |
git ProjectSourceGit | (Optional) Git specifies a git repository as project source |
oci ProjectSourceOci | (Optional) Oci specifies an OCI repository as project source |
url string | (Optional) Url specifies the Git url where the project source is located DEPRECATED this field is deprecated and will be removed in the next API version bump. Use spec.git.url instead. |
ref github.com/kluctl/kluctl/lib/git/types.GitRef | (Optional) Ref specifies the branch, tag or commit that should be used. If omitted, the default branch of the repo is used. DEPRECATED this field is deprecated and will be removed in the next API version bump. Use spec.git.ref instead. |
path string | (Optional) Path specifies the sub-directory to be used as project directory DEPRECATED this field is deprecated and will be removed in the next API version bump. Use spec.git.path instead. |
secretRef LocalObjectReference | SecretRef specifies the Secret containing authentication credentials for See ProjectSourceCredentials.SecretRef for details DEPRECATED this field is deprecated and will be removed in the next API version bump. Use spec.credentials.git instead. WARNING using this field causes the controller to pass http basic auth credentials to ALL repositories involved. Use spec.credentials.git with a proper Host field instead. |
credentials []ProjectCredentialsGitDeprecated | (Optional) Credentials specifies a list of secrets with credentials DEPRECATED this field is deprecated and will be removed in the next API version bump. Use spec.credentials.git instead. |
(Appears on: ProjectSource)
Field | Description |
url string | URL specifies the Git url where the project source is located. If the given Git repository needs authentication, use spec.credentials.git to specify those. |
ref github.com/kluctl/kluctl/lib/git/types.GitRef | (Optional) Ref specifies the branch, tag or commit that should be used. If omitted, the default branch of the repo is used. |
path string | (Optional) Path specifies the sub-directory to be used as project directory |
(Appears on: ProjectSource)
Field | Description |
url string | Url specifies the Git url where the project source is located. If the given OCI repository needs authentication, use spec.credentials.oci to specify those. |
ref github.com/kluctl/kluctl/v2/pkg/types.OciRef | (Optional) Ref specifies the tag to be used. If omitted, the “latest” tag is used. |
path string | (Optional) Path specifies the sub-directory to be used as project directory |
(Appears on: KluctlDeploymentSpec)
Field | Description |
Duration Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
(Appears on: KubeConfig)
SecretKeyReference contains enough information to locate the referenced Kubernetes Secret object in the same namespace. Optionally a key can be specified. Use this type instead of core/v1 SecretKeySelector when the Key is optional and the Optional field is not applicable.
Field | Description |
name string | Name of the Secret. |
key string | (Optional) Key in the Secret, when not specified an implementation-specific default key is used. |
(Appears on: KluctlDeploymentSpec)
Field | Description |
repoKey github.com/kluctl/kluctl/lib/git/types.RepoKey | |
url string | |
isGroup bool | (Optional) |
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